Bell Hog Scraper - Stainless Steel

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  • Regular price $59.00

A hog scraper is used to remove the hair from the hog after it has been scalded.

To do this, grasp the scraper with both hands, exerting plenty of pressure, and scrape the hog from the fore flanks to the tail. The scraper would be tilted on its far edge and pulled towards the person doing the scraping. Scraping the hair from the legs and head is done in the same manner. Being the hardest parts to clean, the legs and head should be done soon as soon after the scalding as possible. Wrinkles can be smoothed out by stretching the skin or moving the legs, making scraping easier. If the hair will not come off, the hog has probably not been scalded sufficiently. After the hair has been removed and the hog rinsed off with hot water, the scraper may be used as a suction cleaner to remove dirt from the carcass. The scraper should be pressed flat against the wet skin, creating a suction which will draw out the dirt as the scraper is lifted.

The scraper may be easily resharpened with a file or emery wheel. A rough edge is desirable.